Linh was equipped with a university degree major in International Bussiness & Marketing. A part time job during summer holiday lead her to the real estate career.
Linh found herself perfect fit for the industry with her active character since.
Now with over 12 years extensive experience in both Rental and Sales, Linh has a solid long list of valued customers who entrusted her with their investment properties.
On the return, Linh commits 100 percent of her skills and effort to continue serving her advocate clients.
If you are looking for a professional & experience agent to rely on all matters of your properties. Linh is the top candidate that we can recommend her with confident at all times.
Rightway Realty office locates opposite the train station. This office is the only real estate office in the suburb of Darra. Customers and train commuters has easy public access to reach us for their property need such as sales and rental enquiry in both residential and commercial.
Our Professional team welcome you at anytime during office hours or anytime over the over agent’s individual mobile phone.